Saturday, May 26, 2007

Coming Home!

Today is a big day in the life of Josiah Hall - after three months in the hospital he is coming home. Thank you for all the prayers and support during this season.

Shari and I have just spent a rather sleepless night in a hospital "Parent Care" Room with a very hungry little man and this morning the Dr came round and released us. Last night he put on 45 grams (1.5 oz) - He is now just a little under 4lb 9oz and so they have agreed to let him come home.

We still appreciate your prayers for all the issues I have mentioned in previous blogs that we will address as he grows - but today we are joyful at the homecoming of our little boy

Lots of love

Jono and Shari


kb said...


Anonymous said...

Yay! I hope you guys are having a good first weekend at home together. I have some gently used baby things that I will drop off on your doorstep later this week. He is so cute; his eyes make me think of Shari!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hooray!!!!!! We've been praying and standing with you. What an exciting display of God's faithfulness. How are you all adjusting to home?!