Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Learning Begins... in Earnest

6am this morning the learning really began... it started with a nice cup of tea (we got Ben a kettle and some tea, so he is prepared for any English clients), but it got harder after that. Ben has developed a specific protocol how to feed Josiah so he will swallow and not spit up. Unfortunately Ben says that protocols for NG kids are the most difficult. After having a rubber tube placed down your throat for several months is it any surprise it is hard for him to swallow?

This protocol is to get him to take solids orally for nutrition-but in the short term it is to get him to learn to swallow again. Regardless, it's pretty hard for me to learn - I can watch Ben do it and think it's really easy - but it's a bit like watching someone play an instrument - you can see what they are doing - but it is a little harder to get all co-ordinated and then stay encouraging for Josiah. It got quite messy today. I did all the feedings today with Ben's help and Shari will be the one behind the spoon tomorrow - I guess if the one really good thing to be taken from the day is that Josiah took over 1600 calories and is still continuing to gain good weight - even once we have got the protocol down it will take a while for Josiah to learn how to swallow well - so if you can agree with us in prayer that this process will be not a really long time we would be thankful.

Oh well it's getting late so I'd better sign off

1 comment:

Shelley Paulson said...

Hey Jono - I just wanted to let you know I've been enjoying reading all your updates and am keeping you in my prayers. You are Shari are truly inspiring!