Tuesday, February 08, 2011

New Email from Situation in Egypt

These events (though costly ) will surely transition our Nation into a new era of Freedom (expression and beliefs ) , where corruption is exposed and convicted.

This generation of Young people arising , to say No to corruption and to ask for change and reforms, is truly an answer to prayer, we have been praying in a very focused way for 2 years for the raising up a FOTB generation in our Land, and though our prayers had a more deep and broad implication than the rising up of the thousands of young people in their peaceful demonstrations. Yet in a sense it is an answer to prayer. J

These sincere demonstrations for reforms, were tainted by other movements with hidden agendas (religious /political) international and national forces trying to imprison this nation into an Islamic Tyranny - and national political forces trying to maintain the core of the corrupt regime under a change of name - thus abort the divine destiny of this Nation in this hour as a key nation in theMiddle East regarding the Lord’s plans.

We know that the Lord has given the church, to steer the events through prayer into the Divine Purposes and the Heavenly agenda in this hour. We remain empowered and strengthened in this hour (Thank You for praying J )


*The hidden Islamic agenda of Muslim Brethren to ride this wave of change - is exposed and convicted by multitudes- even Moslems

*The corruption of the previous cabinet is well exposed and is being investigated and will be judged- it is unbelievable the billions of Egyptian pounds in their bank accounts- that they gained while in office !! this is unprecedented - coz The Egyptian people have been oppressed along decades and had broken spirits from being manipulated by the ruling regime so to arise and call for such exposure and conviction of darkness is truly Divine .

*There is an open fruitful dialogue between the Vice President and Prime minister and many of the representatives of the people - politicians - thinkers- business men poor- old- and many of the young people who with sincerity, desire change

*Change of many unjust aspects of the constitution that prohibited freedom of expression and beliefs – this will give more freedom for Christians and will allow the many converted Muslims coming into the kingdom to have freedom.

*Many Demonstrators still gather in Tahrir Square , and their one and sole request remains to have Mubarak down and now (although many of their primary requests – have been achieved) yet they see Mubarak as a representative of the old corrupt regime and blame him for not stopping it along all those past 30 years. And as more of the corruption is exposed daily more people see Mubarak as the one responsible- and are More Adamant about wanting him to leave his office- so the numbers of Egyptians desiring him to step down from office in a dignified way is daily increasing - because he represents the corrupt regime.

*In a sense, he has actually delegated to his VP who is a well respected man , much of his responsibilities. And according to the constitution, many others see that by remaining in his office till the end of his term in September may be the best and safest way to transfer power>

*The curfew hours have decreased , now from 8pm till 6 am – so morning life is almost back to Normal in Cairo, people have returned to their work, banks opened , courts are back in function , etc… yet Tahrir square (down town Cairo) remains as a closed area where demonstrators are assembling.

* Thousands were injured and 300 were killed - this is horrible coz when thousands gather, mobs are implanted to stir violence and inflame rage … the Young people who first assembled are innocent of causing such riots nor violence (They were the ones attacked and killed)- and now , with more corruption exposed it is evident that the police of the old regime played a role in killing some of those innocent demonstrators !! it is horrible !

*As the international media was not objective - the national media was NOT TRUTHFUL- it helped steer the wheel to more delusion of the Egyptian people - yet the camera does not lie- and pictures / videos taken confirm the horrible situation- innocent youth killed for saying No to corruption

Church/ HOP:

*We still can’t get to our church building / coz it is down town and securities have this whole area surrounded by Military Tanks to try to keep order – the church building is safe J

*We gather in homes to pray – we cover the 24/7 prayer schedule each at his/her place.

*We are strengthened by the Holy Spirit, we see the Sovereign Hand of the Lord in control , and we are praying for the fulfillment of All His Divine Purposes in this hour for our Nation.

*Every church congregation is praying and this shaking has awakened ALL the Church in Egypt to Pray and Seek the Lord

Thank You for Faithfully standing with The Lord as His Friends , for the Fulfillment of His Purposes for our Land in this hour.

Much Love from all here in Cairo

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